The power of equality: Interim evaluation of Musical Inclusion - 2014
The authors are a collective funded by Youth Music’s Musical Inclusion: Evaluation and Networking funding programme. We were tasked with supporting and evaluating the work carried out by the 26 organisations funded by Youth Music’s Musical Inclusion funding programme. This is our interim report on progress made so far: another report will be published at the conclusion of the programme.
This report is based on all we have learned about both Musical Inclusion (the programme) and musical inclusivity (the concept) over the past year and a half from a wide range of sources. The case studies, quotes and examples in it are there to illustrate specific points – our choice does not imply anything about the quality of those picked or not picked. Some quotes may be composites or otherwise altered to ensure anonymity.
We are evaluating the programme, not assessing individual projects; aiming to understand what would improve the potential for high-functioning results. We have looked at areas where projects told us things were going well (in the first half of this report) and areas (including some already covered) where we thought improvements could help progress to be made (second half). We are continuing to evaluate, support and help network the projects to encourage further learning. A final report will be available in mid-2015.