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Reflecting on the achievements of our young people

This short film documents the experiences and achievements of 7 young people who engaged with MusicAtTheEdge before and during lockdown. We are hugely proud of they way in which they responded to the events of 2020, staying connected to the community they had forged and continuing to to find new ways to collaborate and keep making music. This short film looks to document our young peoples perspective of their time at MusicAtTheEdge. We asked each young person the same set of simple questions about their experiences with the aim of giving a voice to their narrative. Upon completion of the film what struck me as a practitioner is how fundemental music can be as a tool to managing mental health and how universal the need for self expression is among young people. I found it difficult to evaluate the last 2 years of delivery in any traditional sense as we deviated so quickly and so abruptly from our carefully planned programme of activity, my key piece of learning is how adaptable young people are and how quickly they can embrace change and encorporate new technologies and new ways of learning.