Reflecting on our SPACES project video // Dischord // Soundwave

DIY Music is one of our projects that Youth Music supports.
The projects aims are to highlight how our participants could put thier skills, interests and talent to work and potentially pursue further education or careers with knowledge gained on the project.
Where we are in West Cumbria, there is little to no focus on creative industries (the focus being nuclear) and no resource for young creatives to find out about the options available to them.
With this in mind, we set out out to run a project that gives our participants real world, hands on experience of different roles and work alongside industry professionals.
This years project was titled 'SPACES' and we worked with Soundwaves vocal harmony group 'Dischord'. The plan was to take the group to different locations and shoot high qualty music videos to raise awareness of the project.
Along the way, the group learned about preparing thier arangments of songs, rehearsing for performance then technical aspects like microphone placements and lighting.
We have another new project starting called HOLLR (its a new online platform for young people in West Cumbria ), they caught up with Dischord and Emma (the project lead) to reflect on the project.
Check out the video.......and YES! that is the biggest pencil in the world ;-)