by Author Darren Poyzer

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Celebrity Love-in

Celebrities and worthy causes are still a good mix.

I love celebrities me, can’t get enough of them. Especially the ones who put their name to some worthy cause that, when you’re in the know, is a million miles away from the selfish world they cherish and pollute.

So do we need them? When we’re launching a new music project, is it really necessary just so we get a handful of that particular brand’s fans and a slightly bigger picture in the local rag? Is it worth the bumped up expenses, and the alienation of people who really don’t get that characters drift anyway?

Yes it is.

It’s easy to be anti-this and anti-that, especially when we’re all a tad jealous within earshot of severe hero worship. Music is theatre. It’s hype. It’s an image thing, a costume, extravagant make-up, hats, hair, strutting, sing-along on one side of the street and moody non-compliance on the other. It’s love-hate, a burning desire to take part and be someone, only sometimes to hate what’s just happened so you walk away and bury your frustrated head in years of rehearsal, dreaming of that moment you prove someone wrong and yes, get celebrity status as a just reward.

There are few greater wrongs than insincere shallow celebrity. Try telling that to a press photographer though, and those who’ve just taken great interest in your music project because you pulled in a favour and side-ways shifted a few quid.

It’s a celebrity world we live in. I hate it, but I’ll take it, especially if it helps us get this amazing new music project off the ground. Anyone got a number for Sporty Spice?



Legal Disclaimer: None of this is real, we are all one consciousness simply observing itself in a state of eternal transition. In case of all that funny wig stuff, please note that neither my employers, their funders or authority bodies take me too seriously, but do have policies that look good in a scuffle. If it does come down to a bit of 'hey boys hey' then please be advised my lawyer starts every sentence with "Now I ain't no legal expert but ...", and I'm not as hard as I look. These are my words, I choose to speak freely, I'm on the side of the non-agressive, creative young people of Planet Earth. Thank you for your time and consideration, now you are going to comment yeah? dp x