by Author ArtsTrain

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Songwriting ‘The Art and the Business’

“Don't knock on doors - knock ‘em down!” (Dan Greenpeace – DJ/ Artist Manager/ Promoter)

ArtsTrain hosted it’s 'Songwriting - the Art and the Business' event on 25 April 2013 which involved a specially invited audience of tutors and young people who have taken part in the programme to date, plus a number of other special guests including Dan Greenpeace DJ/Artist manager/promoter (currently manages Sway, 10 yrs as XFM hip-hop presenter) hip-hop/soul producer Victor Redwood-Sawyerr (Beverley Knight, Whitney Houston, Black Twang, Azalia Banks etc) and Trevor Watkis, musician, performer and music leader.

The event was hosted by internationally renowned composer/songwriter Eska Mtungwazi who has been working with young people on ArtsTrain's Academy programme. Eska explained to the audience how the songwriting group she had worked with had been encouraged to try playing new instruments to find new sounds or approaches to stimulate their songwriting and composition. One of the young people then performed a song which had been inspired by playing bass guitar for the first time during the sessions.

“The inspiration for my song was ‘making the most of opportunities’ and I would count ArtsTrain as one of the main opportunities I have been given” (Noel, 17 –ArtsTrain Academy participant)

The six acts featured on the night were selected from different areas across ArtsTrain’s open-access community programmes, the Academy and the volunteering schemes. The young people performed nine original pieces throughout the evening which they introduced themselves, explaining to the audience where the inspiration for the songs had come from, and what they were aiming for in their musical career. The audience were also invited to offer positive feedback to participants after each featured performance.

To highlight the varied approaches that can be adopted when songwriting, Eska lead a live lyric writing exercise which the audience took part in called 'blind writing'. The evening finished with the opportunity for the young people and music leaders to take part in a Q&A with the music panel to find out how they write their songs, what inspires them and get some useful advice on carving out a career in the industry.

“You've got to tumble to learn! And don't give up even if you get doors shut in your face - be persistent" (The industry panel)