by Author ArtsTrain

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Youth Consultation Report

In September 2012 ArtsTrain worked in partnership with Bromley Youth Council to design and conduct a youth consultation survey to explore and identify young people’s views of music provision within the borough of London Borough of Bromley.

The panel of young people worked with ArtsTrain's project manager to design the survey and subsequently successfully engaged 320 young people. We received responses from 17 schools/colleges/ youth organisations. * including Coopers, Bullerswood, Priory, Darwin, Hayes, BRIT school, Charles Darwin, Harris Academy, Beaverwood, Kemnal, Croydon Schools, Bishop Justus, Cavendish, Bromley College, Ravenswood, Jus B, LB Youth Support Programme.


Q1. What music activity do you currently take part in? None - 24%,Other 21%, School band - 12%,School orchestra - 6%, Music thetare group - 11%, School choir - 10%, Out-of-school choir - 9%, Out-of-school instrumental ensemble - 7%.

'Other' included: bands, music project, solo artists.

Q2. What Genres of music would you like to get involved with? RnB - 26%, Grime / hip-hop - 18%, Pop -12%, Rock - 12%, Soul - 11 %, Other - 8%, Jazz - 7%, Classical -3%, Gospel - 3%.

'Other' included: bashment, dancehall, reggae, punk and folk.

Q3. What new music opportunities would you like to see in Bromley?  Live Shows -18%,  Open Mic nights -11%,  Music Tech 9%, Mcing - 8%, Singing - 8%, Songwriting - 7%,  Band jamming sessions - 5%,   Show choir - 5%, Musical theatre - 5%, Improvaisation 4%, DJing - 3%, instrumental/ orchestral opportuniteis 1%, Other - 0%.

Q4. What stops you getting involved in more music? (or any music at all)Don't know where to go 48%, Money 38% , Travel 8% , Lack of confidence 6%., Other - 0%.

The findings from this research has been really useful to shape our music provision within Bromley and respond to the needs and demands of young people. We are now holding regular open mic nights and promoting local and reigonal performance opportunities through our social media networks.

There is still a great deal of work to be done in terms of raising awareness of music provision locally. This is something that we are high on our agenda and we are planning to work closely with the music hub to address this issue.