by Author Simon Glenister

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To annual review or not?

Being able to hand over/email a document to anyone who is interested in what you do, that says succinctly what it is you do, how you do it and backs up your statements with statistics is hugely valuable. I guess you can probably see where this post is going …

To annual review or not?

This is aimed more at start ups and small organisations who may not have done this yet. Noise Solution did it's first last year, after our second year of trading and it proved invaluable.

Being able to hand over/email a document to anyone who is interested in what you do, that says succinctly exactly what it is you actually do, how you do it and backs up your statements with statistics is hugely valuable.

We're just about to publish our second annual review. I'll be honest the process has both it's pros and cons, it's certainly not all plain sailing.

The actual process of copywriting gathering all the information from different sources, images, design work, briefs, reviewing etc etc etc can seem a pain in the backside and also take an inordinately massive amount of time and money. In that sense it's a bit like watching Grand Designs.. it'll always cost more and take longer than you anticipated.  

On the plus side, well I pretty much said it all at the beginning. You're creating a detailed calling card that backs up perfectly (I hope) what you are spending all this time doing…why are you doing this? ……go on - prove it! ….

Things to think about

    •    Who you are - what are your objectives     •    Who are you working with     •    What do they say about your organisation     •    Back up your statements with statistics (honest ones please)     •    Your financial statements so people can see what you're doing with the money     •    Contact details so people can bombard you with work!

Importantly don't make it over wordy, I've been handed annual reviews that would give the telephone directory (remember those?) a run for it's money - I don't know about you but it makes my heart sink because I know I'm about to just start to glaze over when I open it. Keep it succinct, don't dumb it down but realise that you only have a limited time frame in which to grab peoples attention.

As I said I'll be posting Noise Solution's  review for 2012 - 2013 in the next week or so here. Have a look and see if you think it achieves all of the above.