by Author Simon Glenister

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Online music production software for your browser

Online music software is starting to get pretty sophisticated (well compared to my first studio experience anyway) here's one I came across recently I thought I'd share.

Came across a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) called Soundation today, whilst procrastinating over writing a business plan at Noise Solution towers.

It works in your browser rather than residing in your hardrive. I've looked at  a few previously but this one looks pretty well done and intuitive, thought I'd share it with everyone. It's at a level that would work with introducing people to the general paradigms of music production software - track based multi layered audio, with Soft synths and effects coupled with automation lanes - so billions of miles ahead of my first studio experience of a 4 track studio I first saw when I was 18, but pretty tame by todays standards.

My initial reaction to these types of things is that they are really interesting in terms of accessability for young people but what they give with one hand they take away with the other i.e. it's only practlcal where you have a strong broadband internet connection and this would certainly dictate where you used this type of software.

I think it's an interesting development though and one that's worth keeping an eye on. We've seen online collaborative sharing of documents for a while and photo apps. People have been struggling toward finding ways of working purely online. I'm not sure we are totally there yet but this is certainly a step closer.

Link is here

there's a review of it here as well