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Responding to Isolation

In these strange and uncharted times, the need to make music is more pressing now than ever before. MusicAtTheEdge has used its social media sites like Instagram and Facebook to provide a forum for young people to connect with each other, get creative and be heard. So far, we have seen our participants contribute solo performances for our lockdown jams series, pilot a participant led series of bitesize music theory lessons and come together to create an online collaboration video with lyrics written about Covid-19 parodying the Amy Winehouse version of the song Valery. This video has currently been viewed nearly three thousand times and features ten young people. We planned this work by hosting regular weekly Zoom sessions whilst also facilitating a safe space for our participants to interact with each other. We have reached out to local agencies such as our Music Hub and another Youth Music funded project Sound Communities to discuss collaboration. MusicAtTheEdge has currently been featured on both weekly Music Hub podcasts and we are currently creating content to share with Sound Communities. Geographical boundaries no longer constrict the inclusion of young people into Music Making projects. Our Collaboration series will continue throughout lockdown and we welcome any submissions from any young musician! I will include any relevant links below, any questions welcome, my email is Stay safe, wash your hands, play your guitars.