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Shining Stars Radio Broadcast/Podcast

12/10/19 The project is coming together extremely well; today was really, productive; everyone focused and worked together. One young woman shared her homework around genre and the Desert Island Disc theme with peers, she then encouraged others to go home and interview family members i.e. to identify the music they would chose if marooned on a desert island and what makes it special for them.

The musicians are doing a brilliant job I’m impressed; they are great to work with too; they engage well with young people working flexibly to meet individual’s needs. The musicians encourage young people to develop their natural talent; an opportunity has arisen where a young person could join with another local musician of similar age and for them to practice; and perform together in the future.

Young people are becoming more confident and open to trying new things; drums, base and keyboard were played by young people who hadn’t played these instruments before. This ‘Live Lounge’ type taster session, resulted in some less confident young people acknowledging they could, sing and did so beautifully. Two young people recorded an introduction and feedback section for the Flying French Fries Band who covered ‘Life of the Party’ by Shawn Mendez……. Orange Man and the Banana Band was suggested as a name for the next band to perform.