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Shining Stars Radio Station/Podcast

We have started the Evaluation/Self-Assessments with the young people; young people are identifying what they have learnt, what they feel good about, are enjoying; and what they want to achieve between now and the end of the project.

Young people are in the process of interviewing family and friends, similar to the Radio 4 programme Desert Island Discs a wide choice of music is being shared through this activity. During Feb half-term we will hold a Genre Quiz, the question content will be made up of music the young people like, carers have identified as part of the Desert Island Disc interviews, with a few added for good measure. The quiz could be presented similar to a pub quiz i.e. in small teams so they can discuss with each other which genre they think the song/music is. There will be prizes for everyone i.e. 1st,  2nd and 3rd team prizes.

What appears to be coming out of discussions with young people as part of the evaluation/self-assessment process is that we could do with a few more sessions like we had last Saturday; the opportunity for the group to work together, to develop their communication skills (to increase confidence).

One of our musicians suggested introducing music sleeves to generate discussion and to raise awareness around genre, maybe some photos of bands/singers could be used too. Futher discussion around young people's individual tastes in music will be included, young people will have the opportunity to experience sharing this information and saying why the music is important to them.