by Author Wild-Earth

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Sounds of Lockdown

Here are the links to the tracks on that we have created over Lockdown. As we are creating soundscapes for the Nature Beats Sonic Signatures programme, the theme for the lockdown has been mental health and focusing on sounds around us. 

Birdsong featured heavily as we entered Spring at the beginning of the lockdown. The young people were able to record sounds of birds from their homes and through a series of workshops, they were able to digtally recreate and identify the birds. Woodpecker sound creation is a piece where a the bird's sound has been digitally added into the birdsong.

The meteor shower we had a few weeks ago was an opporunity to listen into and create sounds to explore this subject. Meteor-Soundscape is a creation enspired by this.

Bow-Drill-Bass is the track from the first 4 weeks of the course prior to lockdown when we were out in nature as a group

Luke Weaver offers his weekly workshops on Audiosauna and this the link to the Audiosauna tutorial on Zoom.