by Author Jinx Prowse

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Studio in a box

Music Fusion is a young person friendly recording studio in Havant (near Portsmouth). We access and engage young people through credible music (11 -25 years). We have been described as… more than just a music charity.

  • We specialise in working with young people experiencing challenging life circumstances.
  • We provide a safe, and creative space for young people to connect, socialise and make great music.
  • We inspire our young people to use their music as a platform for positive social action.

We were right in the middle of recording an album with 50 young people called ‘Words Not Weapons / Mavericks 3’ before the lock down happened. Our young people suffer from a range of challenging life circumstances including serious mental health issues. During the first few days of the lockdown we watched our young people slide into dark, and on a few occasions, dangerous states of mind.

So we have built a ‘studio in a box’ which we drop off to the young person house. Via remote desk top sharing a top producer works with the young person to get a high-quality recording/experience.

The results of our pilot show a level of engagement and learning that surpasses even our traditional methods. It is amazing what you can do when you have a captive audience.

We have had some unexpected outcomes.

Our young people have to set up the studio themselves, with phone call support if needed. Their understanding of what each piece of equipment is, how it works and what it does has greatly improved. Over 3 days of studio loan we give the young person 6 hours of studio time with a Music Leader. This is to record for the Words Not Weapons album. To our surprise when we came to collect the first studio loan, the young person had record and produced his own, additional 4 track E.P.  

If Music Fusion were still open, it would be the equivalent of a Music Leader finishing a session and going home. Coming back the next day to find the young person has been there all night and produced a ton of material.

We have started to live stream our studio sessions over Facebook. Here are some highlights from our first stream.

It is worth noting: After each recording we have to wait 72 hours (5 day turn around) for any infection on the equipment to become null. We then disinfect it all and send it out to the next young person. Music Fusion have just bought our second ‘studio in a box.


Wishing you all courage and patience during these uncertain times.