by Author Note Weavers CIC

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Vocal & Instrumental Play in the Early Years - Jane Parker

Event description

2 part online training workshop with Jane Parker

24th & 31st January 2021, 10-12am  (4 hours)  £30

**Please note that attendance on both dates is essential **


Jane is Early Years Music Lead for Take Art’s ‘The SoundWaves Network’ Youth Music funded programme which involves Early Years Music practitioners working alongside Early Years practitioners in settings. The ethos of the programme is very much the belief that babies and very young children are spontaneous music makers. As facilitators, we don’t need to start from scratch when we ‘do’ music, but support, reinforce and extend what our little music makers can already do. Our work aims to brings together a community of learners – learning with, from and alongside each other.

These two sessions will provide opportunities to:

  • Notice and understand the musical behaviours of babies and very young children
  • Think and discuss how best to support and value our babies and very young children’s spontaneous music-making
  • Ask questions on the design of the SoundWaves Network Early Childhood music programme and how it works ‘on the ground’

Who is it for? 

Early years practitioners & teachers, musicians working with children 0-5 years; anyone working with this age group

What will you gain? 

An understanding of:

  • the musical abilities of babies and very young children
  • that music is play and reflect on our role to be musically playful


About Jane Parker:  Jane comes with a wealth of specialist Early Years music experience and knowledge, as a project coordinator, an educator training practitioners and a researcher practitioner with very young children. She firmly believes we should recognise in all our work and resources that everyone is born musical.

Information & Booking