by Author Wild-Earth

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Wild Earth Jamming

Youth Mentors


Wild Earth Jamming

Young people on the Nature Beats Sonic Signatures programme have been training as Youth Mentors since April 2019. Youth Mentor training has involved:

  • Identifying key characters that make a good youth mentor
  • Minimum standards of youth work
  • Advanced nature awareness and outdoor skills
  • 8-shields 'Acorn Leadership' roles and tasks (based on the Rebuilding Nature-Connected Intergenerational Mentoring Communities approach by Jon Young -
  • Music master classes
  • 1:1 Mentoring with Business Leaders, Event Managers, Career Guidance Advisors and other industry experts

The video is representative of the increased skills and confidence of the young people since they first joined the programme. They were able to achieve this level of music making in 3 master classes with Luke Weaver. Luke's quality of teaching and inclusiveness is demonstrated by the level of involvement and enjoyment of the music making process by the young people.