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WINNERS 'Outstanding Musical Initiative' MDE Awards 2020

Music and Drama Education Awards 2020

We are thrilled to announce that MAC Makes Music WON the ‘Outstanding Musical Initiative’ category at the Music and Drama Education Awards 2020.

This is a real testament to the wonderful work that all of our music leaders do on behalf of MAC Makes Music, and the brilliant partnerships that have developed over recent years. We just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for being fantastic! We are so grateful for all of your hard work and we couldn’t have won this award without you.

We are especially proud that our inclusive young-person centred approach to music making has been recognised within a mainstream category at the awards and not in a sub category such as SEN/D resource. We are hoping that this award will help us to advocate more widely for musical inclusion.

Thanks again for all the support given to MAC Makes Music that enables us to do the work we do. Long may it continue!

Holly and Jen