by Author Anna Batson

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Workforce Wellbeing - Employee Assistance Programme

Question detail

The organisation I work for (Plymouth Music Zone) has just invested in an EAP for the team, including volunteers. We are very aware of the additional strain the past few years has placed upon freelance staff and indeed everyone. We are well aware that the pressures continue and want to do all we can to support and protect the team.

I am particularly keen that the advice and support remains impartial from the service, for example. We have also been asked about out-of-hours support for staff. This doesn't replace in-house support for music leaders / core staff.

Does anyone else have experience of using an EAP as either someone who's put something in place, or as a recipient? Have you found it helpful and if so what kinds of things have been of most benefit? We want to get the most out of our trial time with the company. Any tips and feedback gratefully received.

Thanks so much everyone!