by Author Jamming Station

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Young Producers

With support from Youth Music, we have been working with Young Producers on our Beats and Streets project.

Navigating lockdown and further restrictions through the summer and autumn time, this project gave structure when everythign around felt unstrable. It was an anchor.

Sharing stems, ideas, peer support, mentoring, all helped to give a sense of purpose during a very dry time.

"During the Covid-19 pandemic it has kept me musically inspired through regular video chats, Just having the group to talk to about music in general is keeping it alive. For myself I'm actively listening to music more than ever and I'm missing the normal sessions because I would like to share and grow with the group."

The young producers worked on a bunch of tunes with our creative Music Leader, Ryan Hamilton, whilst deveoping their understanding of the industry through Jamming Station's Producer, James Stewart, who offers a wealth of experience of professional production.

The music inspired a local dance collective who worked together with a film maker to create two short films. A young film maker also documented the process of making the music.