by Author YMASB

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Youth Music Leadership in Bradford

All Star Youth Entertainment are working with a broad range of young people in Bradford and involving them in a Youth Music Leadership programme. The project All Star Youth Leadership Programme is supporting young musicians across the district to explore their musical and creative progression routes and pathways as Project Manager Ross Elliott explains.

This project provides one to one support to aspiring musicians and youth leaders. Our team are working with them to draw up a Creative Road Map which explores the skills, knowledge and opportunities participants need to fulfil their creative potential. We’ve worked with 30 young people so far to create their personalised Road MAPS. This project has ensured youth voice becomes an important part of our creative offer. The Road Maps cover a broad range of areas from Music Production and Performance, Marketing and Social Media and Music tutoring opportunities.  The road maps have allowed young people to design their creative journey and allow them to work towards their music goals. It’s been great to see that so many of them have a clear idea on what they want to achieve.

Music participant Ananya found the Road Mapping exercise useful.

I think it’s nice to have the steps to cross off. So now I have done this, I can then work on something else then you have more opportunities as you go through your road map.

The project has also created volunteer opportunities for young people to get more involved in the deliver of music sessions across Bradford. As new volunteer Ben explains…..

The training has helped me communicate with the learners on a better level. It has given me an understanding of session planning and how to make my volunteer sessions fun and creative to all those who attend.


The volunteers have all taken part in training which introduces the Youth Music Framework.

We’ve spent time with our volunteers to introduce the YM Framework. This has improved their understanding of session planning and ensure the music making activity has responded to the interests and needs of participants.  The Youth Music scale and other evaluation resources provided have given them the skills to measure the impact of their volunteering. It’s been really useful for them to improve their understanding of how they can support our staff team in providing high quality music making sessions.

Mik Davis a Bradford based musician explains how this project is helping him share his experience and knowledge of working in the music industry.

We are delighted to be continuing our work in partnership with Youth Music as part of this ‘Leadership Programme’. When I was starting out in the music industry there wasn’t any opportunities like this available, which has been the catalyst for developing such a project to further the potential careers of young musicians in the area, everyone deserves a chance. My role in the project is to pass on my own experience of international touring, recording, producing and releasing records over a 15 year period working in the industry. I hope to pass on my skills and expertise, whilst supporting Bradford’s young musicians inspiring and developing their own careers.

The All Star Team will be working hard over the next few months to support the young people to complete their Creative Road Maps. They will share regular updates on the blog.

Thanks for Reading!

Team All Star