by Author Pedestrian

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The Identity of Music Education Hubs: Who, What, Where, How & Why ?

How can Music Education Hubs ensure their identity is clearly understood, particularly for those that are led by school music services? Why is this important and who's job is it to make sure it's done?

Through some recent work with service providers in Northamptonshire we stumbled upon some alternative definitions of what Music Education Hubs are, who they serve and how they operate. After some wider discussions with education and community settings in the East Midlands it became clear that Music Education Hubs are many things to many people, often with their core purpose and effectiveness being judged and understood differently.

These discussions were had within the context of exploring how partnerships between education and community settings, particularly service providers working with hard to reach groups, can be created and maintained as robust and effective mechanisms for best practice. However before we were able to delve into that arena it was necessary to ensure all parties had clarity over what the 'identity' of the Music Education Hub was, at the very least in the context of the discussion.

As initiatives come and go, organisations merge, business plans evolve and we all explore innovation whilst maintaining our core purpose, how can Music Education Hubs ensure their identity is clear and independent of their lead organisation? Who should have the responsibility for ensuring this is the case and how and where can it best be achieved? What impact could that clarity have on prospective partners and in turn, the children and young peope they serve?