by Author Susan Mann

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Desert Island Kit for SEND Music by Kenton Mann

We are committed to finding instruments that are inherently inclusive. Electronics is making a big difference but if you travel around like me portability, robustness and ease of set up are paramount.

This is what I carry around everywhere at the moment because I know it works. I should also say that it suits the way I work. In my heart I’m not a teacher or a therapist I am a live performer. That’s what I understand and that’s what underpins my work. 

The Korg Kaosillator. It’s the square yellow one not the professional version. It’s a synthesiser you play with your fingers in the same way you might scroll on a laptop mouse pad. 

Why this? It weighs nothing, it works on batteries, a phono to jack into an amp and you are playing. The sounds are fabulous. Students are instantly rewarded for their concentration and subtlety. Unlike iPads you don’t need to get flesh on it. A finger nail or a reluctant finger through a sweatshirt works just as well. I pass it around all the time; I cannot remember anyone ever refusing a go.

When it is dropped the back falls of and the batteries fall out. Re-assemble and you are off again. Perfect. Just need to encourage Korg to make some more…….