by Author JonnyAmos

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What type of learner are YOU?

I don't like the word "teach". Maybe its because it feels too formal. I prefer the word "share", it just feels more personal somehow. I find that the more I share the more I seem to learn. However, sometimes I can't help but think that its good to go back to basics and truly question what type of learner YOU are.

In my opinion, fundamentally there are 3 main styles of learning - listening, seeing and doing.

YOU will be more susceptible to one of those styles whether you realise it or not. If you are responsible for "sharing" with others then not only should you be mindful of this concept in your style of delivery but it will also help you to learn more effectively yourself.

I was once asked deliver some music technology workshops to a group of young people with special education needs. My own research into styles of learning and previous experience told me that young people with certain variations of Autism are often more susceptible to learning something new whilst they're physically taking part as opposed to visually observing something.  

I wanted to look into how I could adapt my own delivery style in order to provide kinaesthetic learning experience  (the "doing"). To put this into practice I got hold of a bunch of USB keyboards for the young people to use during the workshop. This approach allowed them to physically express their musical thoughts and overcame the disadvantages of using sequencing software which naturally appeals to those with a preference for visual learning.The workshop was a success and I found the young people were much more responsive to the musical exercise. The approach I took with them suited their learning style and most of all they had fun which led to them getting much more out of their experience!

Undertaking research on styles of learning made me stop and think "Well, how do I learn best myself?". It soon became clear to me that there was a mismatch between my natural learning style and how I usually went about improving my knowledge and skills. For me, I now know that I learn most effectively when I listen. From that day forward I've not read a book. I download audio books instead. I find it more enjoyable, less taxing mentally and more digestible. It doesn't mean that I hold a lower intellect than any of my peers because I no longer choose to read as much. I just take the same information in more effectively by listening instead.

So, enough about me. What time of learner are YOU?