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Hi everyone!

I am a Songwriter/Producer and Freelance Educator. My background is as a recording artist and have years of touring, media and recording experience. I have active songs published in 3 continents having written songs for recordings artists in numerous countries. I also compose for TV shows and provide song beds, cues and full instrumentals for many clients such as MTV.

As an educator I specialise in the delivery of music workshops in 3 areas; Singing & Songwriting, Music Technology and Band Development/Instrument teaching. I work in a variety of sectors and settings such as Alternative Education Centres, Pupil Referall Units, Youth Offenders Units, Youth Centres, Community Studios, Youth Theatre and Residentials in addition to mainstream education and Corporate workshops.

My work with young people varies from working with "Looked After Children", "NEETS" and "At Risk" to young people on ISSPs where i used music as a medium reach and engage in order to tackle issues affecting their lives and perspectives. I've also worked as Music Mentor for Youth Music. Clients include Sound It Out Music, The Roses Theatre, Soundfutures, Make Some Noise, Playtrain and many more.

Fusing together my commercial sector work and my work with young people I like to think bridges the gap between the music industry and music in education.