Sharing our Everyday Activity Songs
To fellow Early Years Practitioners
Continuing my work with young mums and their children across Cornwall, I wanted to share with you a couple of songs that we have created which have been well received not only by the children, but also by the mums and the crèche workers in the WILD Young Parents’ Project music groups.
These songs are sung to well known tunes helping to encourage singing at home, and to encourage the WILD mums to create their own songs. We wanted to share with you a couple of our favourites:
Song - The Grand Old Duke of York
Oh, we pick up all the toys
We put them safe away
We pick them up, and tidy up
Until another day
We pick them one by one
We put them safe away
We pick them up and tidy up
Until next time we play
Song – The first 2 lines of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Time for sleeping
Rest our heads
Up the stairs and into bed
Time for sleeping
Snuggle in tight
Quietly sleep all through the night.
This programme of activity has been funded with thanks to a grant from the National Foundation for Youth Music.
For any further details on the project or the work of WILD please get in touch with
WILD believes that young parents and their children have a right to a better future, equal choice, education and opportunity, and freedom from poverty.