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Lockdown Living - Songwiting Project

🌟 🎵 L O C K D O W N    L I V I N G - The Making Of The Song! 🎶 🌟

Back in April we wanted to capture the thoughts & feelings of our young people in Redcar & Cleveland and challenged them to get creative and take part in our #LockdownLiving Challenge by telling us about their experiences whilst staying safe at home during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

A team of music leaders, sound technicians and young musicians have been meeting virtually to co-ordinate and create an original song purely out of the content submitted. Young people’s Lyrics, Poems, Raps & other video content were all used to create the structure of the song. All other submissions will be featured in the video once the song is completed.

We recently had two social distanced studio sessions where we were able to record some of the instrumental parts, vocals and a rap part of the song.  Thanks to Lara & MC Louis G for taking part. We are so excited for you all to hear it! We are so lucky to have had so many different perspectives sent in for this challenge and this is evident in the content and themes of the song. Keep a look out on our social media channels for the song release!

We received some amazing creative pieces and these were sent in a variety of ways including: Song Lyrics - A Rap - A Story - Board Game- Animations & more. The full song will hopefully be releasedin 2021 once we can finish recording the song. 

Videos of the making:



“Youth Music” funded - Breakthrough Music Project” Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council