Meet the Phlexx Collective • Introducing Phoebe Patrick
Phoebe is a music writer from Nottingham, whose work has been featured in Sludge magazine and on local brand Mimm. Exploring music, social issues and culture in her work we are super excited to see her join the Phlexx Collective.
Phoebe believes that the experience gained from being part of the collective will be so beneficial to her work, in terms of the networks it will expand, the experience of running live events and the behind the scenes understanding of running a label. Phoebe’s plans for her own project is to produce a creative zine that showcases the vibrant music, culture and events from the local scene.
Thanks again to our partner Nottingham C.A.N, And to the Mimm Family for the space to film.
Raphael Achache on ?
This project is supported by Youth Music’s Incubator Fund, thanks to funding from players of the People’s Postcode Lottery.
#phlexxrecords #nottinghammusicscene #youthmusic #nottinghamcan #indielabel #recordlabel #collective #creatives #musicwriter #musicjournalist