Corporate Commissioning
Haringey Shed have been commissioned by a production company, to be the community partner in a music project sponsored by Levi’s, to deliver a six-week music programme.
As part of the Levi’s® Music Project, Levi’s® and Skepta (winner of this year’s Mercury Award) have partnered to establish a community music studio at the Selby Centre. Haringey Shed has recruited 13 music makers aged 16 – 25 from across London to take part in the project – from over 120 applicants.
The Levi’s® Music Project is a global initiative that seeks to give back to communities around the world through access to music education. In the UK, the initiative coincides with Levi’s® involvement with the V&A museum as headline partner for their latest exhibition, ‘You Say You Want a Revolution? Records and Rebels 1966-70’. Skepta and the music makers will be inspired and guided by the themes of the exhibition, with the culmination of the project being a performance at the V&A as part of ‘The Revolutions Weekender’ on Saturday 5th November, where the participants will unveil what they’ve been working on.
The challenge for the project has been handling the many partners involved who all have different agendas, but this is an excellent opportunity for the young music makers and unique performance opportunity at the V&A.
We are in discussions with Levi’s about the legacy of of the project and how the music studios will be managed once the music project is finished. It would be a great asset to support existing programmes and create opportunities for developing other work in the community.
It would be great to hear about how other organisation have establish links with local businesses and developed the corporate sposorship model, shich I think will be very important in the future, given the limited funds available from traditional sources........????