Creating a scene

Creating a scene
In September 2016 More music decided to work in the Fulwood area with the aim of creating a young leaders project. Taking what we’ve learnt from running an in house Young leaders programme at More Music, we knew that it needed to be engaging, focused and have end goals set in place before people would join. It would have to set a whole new culture of events and creating an audience. Fulwood academy was the ideal venue for the project as it was already the home of the music centre. This meant there was already a culture of instrument tuition and music performance. However there wasn’t a space for young people to have their voices heard.
The project began by looking at practical activities including; learning how to shoot and edit films. This worked well because this practical, hands on approach suited the group. Half the group were out shooting videos and getting used to the camera whilst the other half were on the MacBook getting to grips with editing software and working out how films are constructed and planned. This resulted in the group becoming a media team, a valuable in skill an ever growing technology based society.
Providing an opportunity where young people could learn the skills to organize events was the main focus for the second term. This came from the young peoples feedback as they had discussed in their arts award they were attending lots of music events and shared a keen interest in Live rock music. Lighting, sound, stage and event management became the focus of the term as the group worked through all the practical challenges and tasks needed to put on a gig. With a deadline in sight it gave the project a real appeal to the young people and rasied questions such as: how will we get people there? What music will people come to see? How do we win over the schools technician? Biscuits were the answer.
The group are now weeks off the gig and the pressure is on. Will people come? Will this be one of many and more importantly, will Fulwood rock?