Islington music education strategy consultation

What are your priorities for the future of music education in Islington?
Islington is at an exciting juncture with the creation of a music education strategy, developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, well underway. First announced at the beginning of 2016 the research and consultation process, led by Sound Connections, moves into its next phase during April. Sound Connections are keen to hear from everyone involved in music education in Islington, so invite you to contribute by completing a quick online survey. To capture views from a variety of audiences there are a number of different surveys.
Please choose the survey most relevant to you from the list below:
Survey for organisations with a music education offer
Survey for schools – Head of Music, Music Teacher or Senior Management
Survey for non-school settings – eg Early Years, youth settings, supplementary schools
If you work directly with young people or have direct contact with parents and carers please share the following surveys:
Sound Connections anticipate that the survey will take around 10 minutes to complete. Please complete it no later than Friday 29 April 2016. Thank you!
The Islington Music Education Strategy is funded by Islington Council and Dame Alice Owen Foundation in partnership with Arts First, and supported by Creative Islington.