by Author Candida Wingate

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Looking for gigging opportunities in London

How to support young bands beyond our projects

Waveney Amplifier is an open access music project for young people aged 12 to 18. Based in Suffolk, the project runs regular end-of-term showcases and several bands are well accustomed to performing at these events; some bands have also gone on to perform regionally.

Of course, as they gain in confidence, so they want to experience even wider audiences for their work, and now we're hoping to bring a band to perform in London - it's just how do we find the right venue, the right audience for them?

So I thought I'd ask the good people at Youth Music Network if anyone could suggest similar youth projects that might run gigs that would be suitable.

The band plays their own compositions and we could provide a demo recording, if necessary. Ideally, the gig would take place before the end of March 2017.

If you know of anyone - or could suggest projects I might approach - please do contact me via email at