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by Author Music-Connects

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Music Connects

The power of music to unite people over a backdrop of difference is no secret. And as one of our core aims at Big Leaf is to create...

Music Connects

Only 1.8% of the music industry identifies as Disabled. Yet almost one in five people in the UK have a disability or long-term...

Blog - Disclosure & the Music Industry with Ben from Harbourside Management - How can we create environments for Disabled people to thrive in?

by Author OYAP

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DJ workshops

We had lots of fun with DJ G back in the summer, so much fun in fact that we are running monthly DJing sessions! The young people got to...

DJ workshops

by Author People Express

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Passport to Music - Jazz

In July 2021, 10 young musicians took part in 4 weekly workshops, working with Jazz musicians Issie Barratt and Alex Clarke, in...