by Author Richard Clegg

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The Arts and Music Leader Training Programme: Karl's story.

CM are offering a 10% discount to all Youth Music Network members booking on to the Arts and Music Leader Training Programme, which begins in September. Here, a former course participant explained how it helped his career.

Karl Pupe attended The Arts and Music Leader Training course in 2012 at CM’s headquarters.

Karl is a music producer and has produced for various artists and previously gained a publishing deal. He is also a youth worker and teaches music to young people. Karl wanted to learn the practice of teaching and decided to join The Arts and Music Leader Course.

We asked Karl a few questions:

1) What’s the most useful thing you learned on the AMLT course?

To be honest I learned so much, that's quite a difficult question!

I learned that being a teacher really does require a different set of skills to being a musician. You can have all the musical skills, knowledge and talent but that probably counts for nothing unless you know how to get it across to your learners. Everyone sees the world differently and the way you see something and take on new information may be different to the people you are trying to teach. So it was very useful to find out that there is many different approaches to helping others learn and it's important to be able to know several different approaches so you can change method if one isn't working as planned.

2) What have you learned since becoming a music leader that you didn’t expect?

Probably the importance of networking! Teaching in the lifelong learning sector in a musical field requires quite a lot of networking and some entrepreneurship. You realize that there isn’t that many opportunities in music teaching just waiting for applicants. You have to get out there and meet people that have already tapped into certain networks and make friends who already have good links. Then you can share your skills with them and hopefully help each other out when there is work available, and potentially collaborate to set up your own projects. We always hear how important it is to network as an independent musician or producer but I didn't expect it to be as important in teaching it!

3) What advice would you offer to a musician wanting to become a music leader?

Firstly I would definitely encourage it! It's very difficult to earn a living making your own music and the skills you gain learning how to teach will always be useful in some aspect. Maybe in ways you wouldn't expect.

I would advise them to be patient when it comes to finding the right course, and also with them. It can be quite a jump from making music to teaching it! I'm glad I found the CM AMLT course!

Also be open minded and flexible.

And network (again!!)

4) Is there anything else you want to say?

There are numerous benefits of this course, all the tutors are really friendly and approachable which is really important when you’re learning something completely new, and they are also experts in their field, these guys have got experience teaching and making music.

They give you so much access to learning facilities, even though I’m coming to the end of my course, they have no obligation to help me but they are, it’s a wonderful place. It’s inspired me to go onto further study.

I would 110% recommend this course, if you’re interested in music, and you’re interested in giving back to the community then this is a one stop shop. CM does live up to the legend, I came here and I’m in love with the place, I urge you, if you want to teach please come onto this course you won’t regret it.

For more information about The Arts and Music Leader Training course starting in September 2013 and to watch Karl Pupe talk about The Arts and Music Leader Course click here or email