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Youth Music awards grants for eighty-eight new projects

Youth Music is pleased to announce that 88 organisations have been offered funding in the second round of the Youth Music Programme.

Youth Music today announced plans to kick start 88 new music projects throughout England with the release of over £4m in funding to organisations providing music-making opportunities for children and young people.

Youth Music’s grants support a range of musical activity for children and young people, particularly those facing challenging circumstances. The 88 new projects will provide transformative musical experiences for many young including those risk from exclusion, children in care and those coping with disability. Activities will cover a wide range of music genres including folk, jazz, classical, urban and rock music.

Matt Griffiths, Executive Director, Youth Music says:

“We know that in times of austerity more young people are slipping through the net. There are many organisations out there who believe in the power of music and want to transform the lives of young people in their locality. Our grants go some way towards making this happen. Unfortunately, we have a limited amount of funding to distribute and in this round we had to turn down £10m worth of applications.  This means many young people, particularly those hardest to reach, may miss out on the benefits that music making can have on their lives. We hope that through partnerhship and collaboration we will all be able to achieve more for those with least."

Download the list of Round 2 / 2012 awards by region.

Download the list of Round 2 / 2012 awards by funding module.

Download our summary of all awards made in 2012

Missed our earlier announcements? Find out who got funded in Round 1 / 2012.


Find out more about Youth Music funding.