Sharing information with families
Following our succesful bid to offer a creative music-making project for EYFS children in areas of economic deprivation in Cheshire West and Wirral schools and nurseries, I composed a letter to explain what what we were intending to do and why - the letter was to be sent to families/carers. At our Cluster Meetings for teachers from participating schools and settings, I shared the letter. The feedback was immediate - it was too 'wordy' and over complicated: many families struggle with literacy, sometimes becuase English is a second language. I then revised the letter and created a flyer/leaflet and simplified the Photo Permissions form - I still had to include some detailed written information in order to be GDPR compliant. Now, familes are given a flyer by the class teacher and the forms are filled in together. The result has been more photos on social media and improved feedback from familes, including attending our Open Sessions and Roadshows. I have attached both the original and revised formats - you might find them useful!