by Author sam dook

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Synthesize Me! The Carousel House Band collaborates with Lara Rix-Martin, musician and owner of Brighton based record label Objects Limited

The Carousel House Band is excited to announce we are collaborating with Lara Rix-Martin, musician and owner of Brighton record label Objects Limited. Lara's music and label ethos fits really well with our current project:

‘I started Objects as a way to give a platform for women and non binary artists and show the amazing talent out there. I didn't know of any other labels doing this in electronic music and I felt, with my tools and contacts, I could give them an effective platform’

Our project Synthesize Me! is based around supporting learning disabled musicians to create electronic music inspired by the pioneering work of British female electronic musicans Delia Derbyshire and Daphne Oram. These two iconic women are only relatively recently gaining proper recognition, many years after their incredible ground breaking work. 

There are more women than ever forging careers in music but it is still very much a male dominated sector of the arts. 

The work of artists with learning disabilities is also often underepresented in the mainstream. Carousel projects aim to support artists with learning disabilities to engage in authentic high quality art activities led by the artists. We have been working with Lara to explore new ways we can make music using current technology. You can find out more about her label and music by following the links below


Please visit the links below to find out more about Carousel, a learning disability arts organisation based in Brighton, UK.



