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That's a wrap!!

Rudi & Owen - sign of the times!


Be Scene And Heard the project was inspired by a young deaf man named Owen Brindley who asked Nottingham music promoter Will Robinson  if he could sign at one of his 'I'm Not From London' gigs. Will asked Owen to leave it with him and looked about for some bands to help make this happen and realised that his and many more gigs could be excluding deaf people. This lead to I'm Not From London creating the " Be Scene And Heard " Youth Music funded project which put groups of hearing and deaf people together to make music and music videos.


Whilst promoting this project, Nottingham Magazine, Leftlion journalist Trevor Easton aka Bassey liked the idea so much he asked if he could audition Owen to join his band. Owen agreed and this is the first single 'Touched". The video features members of the "Be Scene And Heard" crew signing the lines. Buy on iTunes and stream on Spotify now! 


Notts TV dedicated two shows to Be Scene And Heard, one focussing on Bassey's video here and also one interviewing Daisy, Simeon and Ruby (coming soon...) 

 Soundcloud: Radio Nottingham's Mark Dennison interviewed mentor Molly Gardiner and Daisy and her mother Jackie Dent to share their experiences of the project.

Be Scene And Heard mentors Osca AKA Rudi and Owen Brindley in a collaborative signed performance of one of Rudi's songs - Diamonds letting people know that more gigs should be signed!!

Follow Rudimusique on Spotify here!

Big thanks to Sixty9 Magazine who did a full age spread of the Be Scene And Heard project here!

 Keep up to date on I'm Not From London's and Be Scene And Heard's socials as we've got big plans for summer!!!